5000 Web Publishing Wizard 5001 MS Serif 5002 wpwiz.hlp>proc4 5003 rasapi32.dll 5004 Connected to %s 5100 You have not finished publishing your web page. Are you sure you want to quit? 5150 Please connect to your provider now. When you have established a connection, click OK. 5151 The Web Publish Wizard is connecting to "%1". Do you want to continue? 5153 The wizard cannot post your file(s) to the Internet address\n%1\nMake sure you have logged on with the correct username and password, typed the correct destination path, and are using a transfer protocol that the server supports. 5200 This feature is not implemented yet. 5201 An unknown error has occurred. 5202 Not enough memory is available for this task. Quit some programs, and then try again. 5203 The path you specified could not be accessed. Make sure you typed it correctly, and then try again. 5300 The Web Publish Wizard needs this information to continue. 5301 Choose a new connection name. 5302 Type your username. 5303 Are you sure that you want to leave your password blank? 5304 Type your FTP servername. 5305 Type the URL for the home root on your Web server. The Web Publishing Wizard needs this information to continue. 5306 Type a file path for the URL. 5307 Please specify this path in UNC format (for example: \\servername\share\path). 5308 You need to have TCP/IP installed. Please quit the wizard and install TCP/IP. 5310 www.yourserver.com 5311 Please type in a URL. 5312 The web site you have specified does not appear to be FrontPage enabled, so you cannot upload your files to it using the FrontPage Enabled Web protocol. You might want to try selecting from the list of Internet Service Providers. 5313 Unable to connect to the specified server. Check that the server name is correctly spelled, and that it currently accessible using your browser. 5314 The FrontPage Server Extensions on the server returned the following error: %1 (code %2!d!). 5316 An internal error occurred while communicating with the FrontPage server extensions. 5317 The url '%1' is incorrect - please check that you have entered it correctly. 5318 Unable to open the file '%1'. Make sure it is not in use by another program. 5319 Error reading from file '%1'. Make sure it is not in use by another program. 5320 Unable to send request to the web server. 5321 The file upload has been cancelled. 5322 An internal error has occurred - unable to get HTTP status code. 5323 Your web server is running an old version of the FrontPage server extensions. Upgrade the server to the latest version of FrontPage, or ask your webmaster to do so. 5324 Directories containing FrontPage Web configuration information will not be published.